Thursday, July 4, 2013

This mornings bench block work.

Going to be part of a Viking knit wedding necklace.


  1. This is hard to see - any way to enlarge the photo?

  2. Oh! I'm so sorry!
    I'm still learning some of this tech stuff.
    It is steel. Cursive S and C, along with a couple of hearts, and some S hooks.
    I put them on a viking knit to spell out S heart C on a custom wedding necklace, and ankle bracelet.

    Sadly, I failed to get pictures of it completed of the future bride.

  3. okay - now I see the S and C, etc. I just wasn't able to put it all together in my mind's eye!
    Right - that is my absolute downfall with blogging - I cannot get the photos edited, sized & placed correctly. And, I am always forgetting to take pictures - either WIP or completed. My photography skills are the pits too.
    I'm going to try to find some instruction on how to do these things, written in a clear understandable way for people who are NOT bloggers or photographers by trade:)

    I am sure the necklace & ankle bracelet turned out very cool! I just learned this past week what viking knit is:)

    Do you ever read Easy Wire or Step by Step Wire (both by Interweave) ? Wondering which one would be better for an absolute newbie.

    Here is some if my work, btw. You'll see that I could use some wire techniques incorporated into the jewelry.

  4. Oh I love your work!
    Thank you so much for sharing it with me!

    Both of those magazines are great. And they both have clear directions and sections that have all of the basic techniques to teach ou about anything you need to know.
    YouTube is a great help too.
    I Love Viking knit!
    (I lkearned how to do it on YouTube, with some adjusting and melding of a few different vids)


Talk to me people!